Living from Timeless-Compassionate Presence

Living from Timeless-Compassionate Presence


International Retreats, Workshops & Seminars with Mukesh Gupta: Calendar for 2024

We are delighted to announce our retreat calendar for 2024, where we invite you to join international groups of fellow-travellers in France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Israel and Canada. Our theme for the year is INSIGHT, CLARITY, PEACE & HARMONY. In every retreat we dive deep into “Meditative & Transformative Self-inquiry” and gently awaken a source of being and living which is not dominated by ego-mind and fear. The daily program of a retreat includes meditations, inspiring live discourses, meditative self-inquiry, learning exercises in small groups, silent spaces and meditative walks in nature.  These retreats offer a safe, non-judgmental and compassionate learning space where one’s true essence can unfold and flower.

These retreats hold significance for individuals at any stage of their journey of self-discovery and transformation, including lifelong learners, mindfulness practitioners, coaches, therapists, artists, teachers, professionals from diverse fields, leaders, and dedicated students of life, who recognize the importance of living and working from a higher level of presence. We invite you to share this news with your friends and circles, and join us on this incredible journey of self-discovery! Wishing you and your family a Christmas and a New Year full of insights, peace and joy.


NETHERLANDS (LeerProject Retreat in ITC Naarden): 12 – 14 April 2024 

GERMANY (Mönchengladbach Retreat): 19 – 21 April 2024 

FRANCE (YogaRasa, Nantes): 27 – 28 April 2024

FRANCE (La Maison, Beaumont-la-Ferrière): 17 – 26 May 2024 

SWITZERLAND (Riversong Retreat): 28 May – 2 June 2024


Krishnamurti Educational Centre, Victoria BC: 4 June - 30 July 2024


BELGIUM (Maria-Aalter Retreat): 19 – 22 September 2024

FRANCE (Beaumont-la-Ferrière): 25 – 29 September 2024

ITALY (Pergine): 1 - 6 October 2024

GERMANY (Villa Sophia, HausDreiklang, Birnbach): 11 - 13 Oct. 2024

SWITZERLAND (Riversong Retreat): 15 – 20 October 2024  

GERMANY (Annual Neckargemünd Retreat): 25 - 27 October 2024

FRANCE (Beaumont-la-Ferrière): 7 – 11 November 2024

SPAIN (Retreat organised by friends in Barcelona): 15 - 17 November 2024

GERMANY (Yogapraxis Miltenberg Workshop): 22 - 24 November 2024  

INDIA 2025

Travelling Retreat in India: 1 - 20 February 2025

Note: If you wish to propose a retreat/workshop/seminar with Mukesh in your country, you are welcome to write to us. A few free slots may still be found. Email: [email protected]  

on request

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Thank you. With love.

If you wish to join in any of the above retreats or like to invite Mukesh for facilitating any program or retreat, please write to us:
After sending this form if you do not get a reply in a few days then please check your spam folder or write to us directly: [email protected]
School For Self Inquiry