Living from Timeless-Compassionate Presence

Living from Timeless-Compassionate Presence


Retreats and Self-Inquiry Meetups with Mukesh in Victoria BC, Canada: June & July 2024

You are welcome to experience a deep retreat or self-inquiry meetings with Mukesh during his stay at Krishnamurti Educational Centre [KECC] campus in Victoria BC. Whether you choose a short residential stay or prefer to join the meetings without staying on campus, you have the opportunity to interact with Mukesh and discover the transformative potential within you. 
Weekly Self-Inquiry Meetups (onsite KECC campus)
Sundays, 3-5 pm PT
At the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada
538 Swanwick Road, Victoria BC (Metchosin) 
Weekly dialogue meetups in Victoria town:
Wednesdays, 4 – 5:30 pm PT
Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion, 1070 Tillicum Road, Victoria, BC
Please check the dates and sign-up:
One-to-One Meetings with Mukesh Gupta:
To schedule an individual 1:1 meeting with Mukesh, please reach out to him directly: [email protected]

School For Self Inquiry