Inner Stillness & Compassionate Presence

Inner Stillness & Compassionate Presence



Riversong Retreat in Switzerland

Riversong Retreat in Switzerland

Catherine Pfaelher, Switzerland

"Spending gentle time with Mukesh has been a deep gift and pleasure for my soul every time I had a chance for it. The slowing down, the practice of deep listening and seeing in a small group helps me to grow, to broaden my understanding on all levels and to relax into my heart. Thank you for allowing me to realize that this is all I need, for my entire life: Resting peacefully in the heart."

Norbert Csatary, Germany

"Attending two retreats with Mukesh in Belgium and Germany was a truly profound transformational process for me. Mukesh facilitated the journey in a unique enquiring gentle way from moment-to-moment for all participants. Stillness and silence emerged for me without words in a special mystical way. I strongly recommend working with Mukesh."

S. A,, a professional certified coach based in Geneva

"I have started 1:1 transformative coaching sessions with Mukesh at a time in my life where I needed to have a spiritual friend that could walk with me in the turbulent period I was going through. Although I had been on my spiritual path for a great many years, exploring every horizon possible, I was stuck. Discovering Mukesh's inspiring works and his empowering gentle presence was the catalyst I needed for my transformative journey. Since then, we have been travelling together through regular 1:1 sessions - on-line and off-line, as well as attending his retreats. His presence, his ability to listen deeply and attentively, our conversations and laughs, the meditative moments we are sharing have been transformative for me. He helped me change how I relate to myself and to life as general, develop self-compassion, slow down, towards greater inner freedom and peace. The regularity of our exchanges are like milestones that I look forward to, to continue on this path of inner freedom. A very deep and luminous "thank you" with all my heart!" 

La Maison Retreat in France

La Maison Retreat in France

Ingrid Patris, France

"Again thank you Mukesh, the work you propose is full of humility and living wisdom, and in all groups I have been part of I had rarely found such a perfume of joy and freedom, sharing all together without feeling of hierarchy but with a true friendship. I send you a deep thanks from my heart." 

M. Ray, A Personal Coach in Switzerland

"After attending a retreat with Mukesh at Riversong, Switzerland, I'm a lot more connected to joy and I feel that I begin my days with my heart open and that I embrace my life fully with trust."

Meditative Self-inquiry Retreat in Israel 2021

Meditative Self-inquiry Retreat in Israel 2021

Naomi Gerstein, A Mindfulness Teacher in Israel

"My journey on a 3-day retreat of self knowledge, with Mukesh, was a profound transformational event. A friendly non-judging atmosphere, made a group of interested "strangers" into a compassionate one, inquiring together. It was heart opening and I feel truly blessed to have found live authentic teacher and exploration in my life time." 

Sophie Parlatano Erbrich, Switzerland

"I really appreciated the general approach of the retreat, based on the exploration of the present moment, in all the finesse of life in motion. I liked the art of formulating essential questions, especially around the themes of listening and compassion, while taking great care not to fall into the temptation of wanting to answer them, or even to hold any knowledge. For "the deepest questions have no answers", we were told. And this space opened up by the absence of pre-fabricated answers a field of possibilities, a breath of confidence!
The roots of my spirituality are Christian, but this did not prevent me from being not only welcomed, but from feeling comfortable, without ever feeling a contradiction in myself. Mukesh always spoke to us with gentleness and humility, taking care to give everyone a chance to speak, fraternally calling us "friends", never trying to convince us of anything, constantly inviting us to sharpen our awareness, to stay close to our experience of the here and now.
We alternated between silent meditations, moments of sharing and movement. The welcome, the open-mindedness, the attention, the empathy, but also the good humour and the laughter were good to experience. I came back feeling calm, confident and stronger than when I arrived."

Michele Hayden, Canada

"...I just wanted to say what a privilege it was to be able to participate in the retreat with Mukesh and the group.  His insights and his way of clearly communicating the essence of Krishnamurti's teachings are exceptional as is his kindness." 

Belgium Retreat 2021

Belgium Retreat 2021

Joost de Wulf, Belgium

"So grateful that you bring together serious human beings in this deep inquiry. With an open mind, you show by your own presence and in the way you give space to anyone's voice and observations, that the inquiry, the being authentic and living these teachings are one and the same thing. Even after a decade of attending your retreats, I always come back, to find new friends and feel and being deeply nourished and connected."  

Osnat Bar-Or, An Artist and Activist in Israel

"I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn with Mukesh during his last visit to Israel. His profound teaching, along with his humble, attentive and loving presences, made me experience the healing potential of the quiet mind and understand (experientially) how all this is related to love and connectedness. Looking forward to the next retreat!"

Marilyn Daish, England

"I was introduced to Mukesh on his zoom based retreats during covid and have been struck by the power and clarity of his teaching. He combines this with a gentle, loving and unbiased attention to each group member, bringing us closer as a group in our shared purpose of Enquiry, despite the restrictions imposed by zoom! I'm looking forward to my next retreat and hopefully an in-person retreat too."  

You are welcome to submit your testimonial:
School For Self Inquiry